Integrative Recovery therapy, commonly referred to as mind-body therapy, is a modern kind of psychotherapy that blends a variety of therapeutic techniques and philosophies to meet the individual needs of each patient. This innovative strategy for getting better and reducing conflict aims to encourage personal equilibrium and inner fortitude.
In reality, studies have demonstrated that integrated treatment is successful in treating substance use disorders. Integrative therapy dramatically reduced the risk of relapse compared to conventional treatment in a study of more than 1,000 patients with alcohol dependency. According to additional research, integrative treatment can aid those with substance use disorders in lessening cravings, anxiety, and sadness.
An integrative therapist changes typical therapies to close development gaps that people experience throughout their life. This is done with a thorough grasp of human development and motivational concepts. In this kind of therapy, models and techniques are chosen from a variety of therapeutic philosophies best to fit a certain client’s needs and situation. Call Crestview Recovery at 866.580.4160 to learn more about integrative therapy and how treating each patient as an individual improves treatment success.
Integrated Recovery Therapy Delray Beach
Beachcomber Family Center for Addiction Recovery utilizes Integrative recovery therapy to facilitate healing on all levels—physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual, by incorporating many of the core ideas of conventional psychotherapy and holistic medicine. Additionally, it employs the ideas listed below to achieve a healthy balance:
- Coordinating the body and mind
- Managing physical and emotional stress
- Maintaining a balanced, social life
- Meditation and visual imagery are two strategies that can be used to help people discover their center in addition to conventional counseling services. We are aware of how easily worst-case scenarios, desperation, and terror may take over our thoughts.
Integrative treatment employs a variety of techniques to assist patients in recovering and using new skills. Beachcomber Family Center for Addiction Recovery is aware that there is no one strategy that works for everyone while treating drug or alcohol addiction. Integrative recovery therapy in Delray Beach incorporates several therapies that speak to each person’s particular circumstances.
There are numerous varieties of psychotherapy with various methodologies. Each approach is delivered differently depending on the person and how long they get treatment. Additionally, the reality that different plans can result in comparable outcomes does not change. Therapists who have received training in other modalities, such as family therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy enable them to create a special treatment strategy that meets the demands of their clients.
Benefits of Integrative Recovery Therapy Delray Beach
Integrative recovery therapy therapies improve a resident’s treatment and recovery process when used in conjunction with conventional therapy techniques. Techniques used in integrative recovery therapy have been shown to accelerate the healing process.
Wellness in all spheres of life—physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual—is promoted by a tailored, comprehensive therapeutic approach. Residents engage in integrated recovery therapy to help them break bad habits and start moving in the direction of better health. Added advantages include:
reduction in blood pressure
encouraging sound sleep
decrease in anxiousness
stress reduction and management
If you or a loved one is looking for Integrative Recovery Therapy in Delray Beach, Florida, contact 954-615-4003.