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How Addictive is Cocaine?

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How Addictive is Cocaine

How Addictive is Cocaine?

Cocaine Effects And Abuse

Because cocaine is an illicit substance, any usage of it is regarded as abuse. Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the brain by causing the release of large amounts of dopamine, a brain molecule linked to pleasure and reward. Every area of the body is adversely affected by cocaine over time, and serious long-term repercussions are possible. Among other long-lasting consequences, it can alter the genetic makeup of proteins, nerve cells, and brain cells.

Other side effects of cocaine use include:

  • Chattiness
  • Exuberance
  • Mental clarity
  • Nervousness
  • Inflated confidence

The strength and duration of the effects of cocaine are also affected by how it is used. Snorting cocaine has short-lived effects that endure for only 15 to 30 minutes. The effects of smoking or injecting cocaine are stronger but only endure for 5 to 10 minutes. To sustain the intended effects, most cocaine users will dose often. The risk of an overdose is larger when injecting the drug than when snorting it.

Because frequent cocaine usage can strain the heart, cocaine misuse is very harmful. Stroke or cardiac arrest is the most prevalent cause of mortality in heavy cocaine users. Get treatment right now from drug rehab centers in Florida if you or someone you know is misusing cocaine.

Addiction To Cocaine

Although cocaine is a very addictive substance, it could be challenging to recognize an addiction to it. The symptoms of addiction include craving cocaine and ignoring the negative effects that come with it.

Even though addiction has evident physical symptoms, the psychological aspect is frequently the most difficult to overcome. When cocaine is used frequently, a person will become dependent on it and require it to feel normal. Once a reliance has been established, a tolerance will follow, and ceasing use will result in withdrawal symptoms.

It can be quite difficult to stop using cocaine if someone becomes addicted. This is due to cocaine’s excessive elevation of dopamine levels, which eventually rewires the brain’s reward system.

Cocaine And Other Drugs

Cocaine experimentation is frequently done in settings where other drugs are also being taken. Because of this, many individuals who are addicted to cocaine may also be dependent on alcohol or marijuana. This practice, known as poly-drug use, is particularly risky because it raises the possibility of a lethal overdose.

Alcohol can act as a trigger for recovering cocaine addicts because cocaine and alcohol are frequently used together. This makes it crucial to refrain from using any drugs or drinking alcohol while in rehabilitation. Among all drug combos that contain cocaine, using heroin and cocaine together is referred to as a “speedball” and is undoubtedly the most deadly.

Treating A Cocaine Addiction

It might be challenging to overcome a cocaine addiction. However, assistance and resources are offered to those who are prepared to reclaim their lives. Find out more about cocaine addiction treatment and recovery, or get in touch with a drug treatment center in Florida to talk about your or a loved one’s rehab choices.