For Families

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    The Family Program in Boynton Beach and Ft. Lauderdale is available to all clients and their families while in treatment. Group and individual discussion and education focuses on understanding the impact of alcoholism and drug abuse on the individual and their family, learning the effects of healthy communication, and introduction to 12-step philosophy for the family.

    Additionally, families will be educated regarding enabling, relapse prevention, and understanding the physical, mental, and spiritual effects of addiction on the entire family system.

    The Family Program typically includes education, family discussion with a clinician, and group discussion. Lunch is also provided. The Family Program is held three times per month, but is available anytime to individual families by appointment.

    While clients are in treatment at The Beachcomber, their families are encouraged to avail themselves of the Outpatient Family Program to learn more about:

    Key Components of the Family Program
    The Beachcomber’s Family Program focuses on several important aspects that contribute to both individual recovery and family healing. These components are designed to educate families about addiction, promote healthy communication, and provide practical tools for supporting their loved ones through the recovery process. Some of the key elements include:

    1. Understanding the Impact of Addiction
      Addiction affects the family unit in profound ways. Families may experience stress, anxiety, confusion, anger, and even guilt. The Family Program provides a comprehensive education on how addiction influences not only the individual but also their loved ones. Families learn about the physical, mental, and spiritual effects of addiction, including how it changes brain chemistry, behavior patterns, and emotional responses. This understanding helps families gain empathy and insight into their loved one’s struggle, allowing them to approach the recovery process with compassion rather than blame or frustration.

    1. Healthy Communication Skills
      One of the central themes of the Family Program is teaching healthy communication techniques. Family dynamics can become strained or dysfunctional due to the stress of addiction. Families often fall into patterns of enabling or reacting out of fear, which can unintentionally perpetuate the cycle of addiction. Through group and individual discussions, families learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and express their feelings in a healthy and constructive way. Healthy communication plays a critical role in rebuilding trust and fostering a supportive environment that encourages long-term sobriety.
    2. Education on Enabling
      Families are often unaware that their well-intentioned actions may be enabling their loved one’s addiction. The Family Program teaches participants how enabling behavior can hinder recovery by allowing the person struggling with addiction to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. By learning to identify and stop enabling behaviors, families can create a healthier, more supportive environment that encourages accountability and recovery.
    3. Relapse Prevention
      Relapse is a common part of the recovery journey, but families can play a pivotal role in helping prevent it. The Family Program educates families about the triggers and warning signs of relapse, as well as strategies to support their loved ones through difficult times. Families learn how to create a relapse prevention plan, which includes building a strong support system, reinforcing positive habits, and encouraging continued participation in 12-step programs or therapy. By understanding how to support their loved ones in moments of vulnerability, families can help reduce the risk of relapse.
    4. Introduction to 12-Step Philosophy
      The Family Program introduces families to the 12-step philosophy, which emphasizes healing through personal growth, acceptance, and community support. Families learn how they can engage with Al-Anon or other family support groups to find guidance, comfort, and strength from others who have experienced similar struggles. The 12-step approach provides a valuable framework for families to work through their own emotional recovery and understand the importance of self-care in the process.
    Family Program

    Family Program