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Creating a Healthy Routine is a Vital Step in the Recovery Process

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Creating a Healthy Routine is a Vital Step in the Recovery Process

For those currently in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, there are many things that can either support or hinder success. One of the most impactful things for successful recovery is creating a healthy routine.

A healthy routine supports recovery by providing structure and nurturing habits that lead to success. Each person might have a slightly different routine, but there are some fundamentals that we’ve seen work time and time again at Beachcomber Outpatient. In fact, we think these healthy habits are so important that it’s been given the name—Toothbrush Therapy!

The importance of routine and healthy habits is documented in the scientific literature, such as this study that indicates incorporating routines can lead to positive lifestyle changes.

Here are the essential steps for a healthy and positive daily routine to support recovery.

Personal Self-Care

The fundamental part of a healthy routine is taking care of your body every day. These simple self-care and hygiene steps are simple but essential to recovery. They include:

  • Getting up and dressed every day
  • Regularly washing clothes and sheets; maintaining a clean living space
  • Personal hygiene like brushing teeth and taking showers on a regular basis

Because people in recovery sometimes also struggle with anxiety or depression, these simple tasks can be challenging. But as you build them into your routine as an essential part of recovery, they become easier to complete.

Personal Growth

It’s not only important to pay attention to self-care, but it’s also important to focus on areas for personal growth. Some ideas here include:

  • Daily prayer and meditation to practice calming your mind and increasing self-awareness
  • Exercise to positively move your body and increase overall health
  • Talking to a sponsor for support and accountability
  • Participating in group therapy to connect and learn from others
  • Sober living with other recovering addicts to promote ongoing change and growth

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can maintain your mental and physical health and well-being. These seem like basic things, but it’s the power of them collectively as a routine that makes a big difference.

These practices are designed to help you to be more in tune with yourself and others. Recovery is not easy by yourself, which is why we always promote the community and accountability aspect of recovery.

Building habits and a routine can take some time, too. One study found it took an average of 66 days to create a new habit. Again, even more a reason to turn to your community of support! In the early days, as you’re building a new routine, your support system can help you stay on track and build healthy habits to support your recovery.

Beachcomber, our partial hospitalization program in South Florida, is designed for you to experience recovery with a team of support around you. We have outpatient programs and outpatient recovery groups to support your process even after you complete a partial hospitalization program or inpatient program.If you have any questions about what your recovery journey can look like, contact us at Beachcomber Outpatient to today to start a conversation.