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Addiction Recovery For the LGBTQ+ Community

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LGBT group therapy

Addiction Recovery For the LGBTQ+ Community

Drug and alcohol addiction impacts many of us—if you don’t struggle with it directly, you might know someone who does. And for those who are struggling with addiction, it’s important to seek out help and support. The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) are statistically at a higher risk to develop addiction or substance use disorders. And, because of this, it’s important that there are LGBT group therapy options.  

Here are some eye-opening statistics:  

  •  Only 4% of the American population identifies as LGBT, though they are statistically much more likely to develop drug or alcohol addiction. 
  • LGBT individuals are 18% more likely than those who identify as straight to have an alcohol addiction, 20% more like to abuse drugs, and 5.9% more likely to misuse prescriptions. 

This demonstrates that there is a specific need for LGBT recovery groups. Beachcomber offers an intensive outpatient program in Fort Lauderdale as well as an LGBT Group Therapy to support the specific needs of this community while they embark on a journey to recovery.  

Challenges of the LGBT Community That Lead to Addiction 

There are challenges faced by those in the LGBT community that may contribute to higher rates of addiction. These include: 

  • Stigma and discrimination from friends, family, or the community.  
  • Healthcare inequalities. Studies show that LGBT youth, for example, receive poor healthcare because of stigma, lack of awareness, or insensitivity to their needs.  
  • Homelessness—sexual minority adults (i.e., LGBT community) are twice as likely to experience homelessness in their life, which puts them in an environment where developing drug and alcohol addiction is common. 

Sexual minorities face unique challenges compared to the rest of the population. And while these do not make drug or alcohol addiction inevitable, they do increase the likelihood of developing an addiction. It’s important for LGBT group therapy or drug and alcohol recovery programs to understand these challenges that are specific to the community so they can best support them through recovery.  

LGBT Group Therapy Florida

Because of these specific challenges facing the LGBT community, there needs to be a specific, tailored approach to LGBT therapy practices. At Beachcomber, for example, our south Florida LGBT group therapy is led by an LGBT therapist who is also in recovery. This ensures that group members feel that they can connect, open up, and be honest about their struggles with someone who understands.  

There are some other LGBT group therapy practices that can be effective: 

  • Family therapy, especially for those who have experienced rejection due to being LGBT. 
  • Comprehensive healthcare, where physicians are knowledgeable about LGBT-related health issues, such as the increased risk for STIs (sexually transmitted infections).  
  • LGBT-specific resources and options—e.g., LGBT housing or accommodations for in-patient programs.  

As with any recovery journey, it’s important to start with accepting the past to heal and move forward. And this is the case for LGBT individuals struggling with addiction, too. Though there may be many reasons, events, or environments in the past that led to their addiction, accepting this to move forward is always the first step of recovery. Beachcomber’s intensive outpatient program in Fort Lauderdale, along with the LGBTQ addiction treatment, provides a space for LGBT individuals to accept the past and move forward in recovery.  Because of the challenges unique to the LGBT community, it is important that they find a recovery program where they are understood and supported. Beachcomber’s LGBT Group Therapy Program is a place to do just that—to work through their recovery without compromising their sexuality or gender.